Payment Status
Reflects the previous history of the account, including any delinquencies or derogatory conditions occurring during the previous seven years (i.e., Current account, delinquent 30, current was 60, redeemed repossession, charge-off – now paying, etc.)
Permissible Purposes
There are legally defined permissible purposes for a credit report to be issued to a third party. Permissible purposes include credit transactions, employment purposes, insurance underwriting, government financial responsibility laws, court orders, subpoenas, written instructions of the consumer, legitimate business needs, etc.
Personal Information
Information on your personal credit report associated with your records that has been reported to us by you, your creditors and other sources. It may include name variations, your driver’s license number, Social Security number variations, your date or year of birth, your spouse’s name, your employers, your telephone numbers, and information about your residence.
Personal Statement
You may request that a general explanation about the information on your report be added to your report. The statement remains for two years and displays to anyone who reviews your credit information.
If a consumer files a bankruptcy, but a judge has not yet ruled that it can proceed, it is known as bankruptcy petitioned.
One who initially brings legal action against another (defendant) seeking a court decision.
Potentially Negative Items
Any potentially negative credit items or public records that may have an effect on your creditworthiness as viewed by creditors.
Public Record Data
Included as part of the credit report, this information is limited to tax liens, lawsuits and judgments that relate to the consumer’s debt obligations.
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