Installment Credit
Credit accounts in which the debt is divided into amounts to be paid successively at specified intervals.
The process a consumer credit reporting agency goes through in order to verify credit report information disputed by a consumer. The credit grantor who supplied the information is contacted and asked to review the information and report back; they will tell the credit reporting agency that the information is accurate as it appears, or they will give us corrected information to update the report.
Investigative Consumer Reports
These are consumer reports that are usually done for background checks, security clearances and other sensitive jobs. An investigative consumer report might contain information obtained from a credit report, but it is more comprehensive than a credit report. It contains subjective material on an individual’s character, habits and mode of living, which is obtained through interviews of associates. Experian does not provide investigative consumer reports.
Involuntary Bankruptcy
A petition filed by certain credit grantors to have a debtor judged bankrupt. If the bankruptcy is granted, it is known as an involuntary bankruptcy.
Item-specific Statement
Offers an explanation about a particular trade or public record item on your report, and it displays with that item on the credit report.
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