If the consumer has paid all of the money the court says he owes, the public record item is satisfied.
Secured Credit
Loan for which some form of acceptable collateral, such as a house or automobile has been pledged.
Real or personal property that a borrower pledges for the term of a loan. Should the borrower fail to repay, the creditor may take ownership of the property by following legally mandated procedures.
Security Alert
Statement that is added once Experian is notified that a consumer may be a victim of fraud. It remains on file for 90 days and requests that a creditor request proof of identification before granting credit in that person’s name.
Service Credit
Agreements with service providers. You receive goods, such as electricity, and services, such as apartment rental and health club memberships, with the agreement that you will pay for them each month. Your contract may require payments for a specific number of months, even if you stop the service.
Reach an agreement with a lender to repay only part of the original debt.
The business or organization that supplied certain information that appears on the credit report.
On the credit report, this indicates the current status or state of the account.
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